Hindu astrology is a very complex system that helps determin a person's personality traits and making predictions regarding his/her health, fortune, and so on. This program will make the necessary calculations to create an astrological chart. You only need to enter the name, birth date, hour, and place of birth of the person whose chart you want to obtain. The program will calculate and produce many different reports related to different astrological aspects of that person. For example, you can find out how the planets were distributed when you were born as well as the planetary transits, dashas (ruling planets) and other relevant information.
Please bear in mind that the interpretation of the data produced by this program is very complex, so if you are a novice in this matter, you may want to try another, less complicated, program.
The demo version of the program only allows you to obtain charts for people born between 1840 and 1940. To overcome this limitation, you need to purchase the full version. Finally, please note that the cost of the program is rather high and that if you want to order it, you will need to add the P&H expenses.